The History of the Coda Chorus
CODA CONCERT PREPARATIONS — Preparing for the Sunday CODA Concert at Winthrop High School auditorium are, from left, Jeff Woolston, Mrs. Richard Godfrey, Donald Auclair, director, and Mrs. Everett Harrington. (LaVallee Photo)
CODA’s first concert was held September 30, 1967 Above: Donald Auclair, director; Margaret Godfrey, accompanist; and Carol Matthews, CODA president.
1971 Spring Concert workout: Members of the area CODA Chorus prepare for the concert, Springtime Serenade to be presented Saturday night at St. Francis Parish House. Shown here are Mrs. Carole Small, Robert Gunn, director, and Mrs. Carole Tainter with Mrs. James McCroary, the accompanist.
2019 Christmas concert with CODA music director Joëlle Morris
2021 Winter Concert with CODA music director Dr. Christian Giddings
1962: The beginning
It was in 1962 that Francis Harrington was approached by the Winthrop Ministerial Association with the request to organize the choirs of local churches to present an Inter-Faith Christmas Concert. The first concert was held in the Winthrop Methodist Church. In 1965, over 100 singers were presented in the concert held in the Winthrop Methodist Church. 1966 was the last year of these Inter-Faith concerts. The response to her efforts by singers and audience alike was so enthusiastic that she agreed to continue presenting this “Christmas Gift of Song to the Community.” In succeeding years, the concerts, under her direction, were given in the Winthrop Friends Church and St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.
1967: A new name
In the spring of 1967, the CODA Chorus was officially formed. Though Mrs. Harrington did not care to continue as director, her interest did not decline. She served as chairperson of public relations and publicity, as well as a historian. She continued to sing with the Chorus for several years, and in 1973, she served as vice-president.
Once CODA Chorus was formally organized in 1967, Carol Matthews served as the first president, Donald Auclair as the first music director, and Margaret Godfrey was the first accompanist. These three people devoted many years to the chorus and its early days.
Although CODA is mainly thought of at Christmas time, the first concert under the CODA name took place on September 30, 1967, following a bean supper which was for the benefit of the Winthrop Recreation Center. Guest artists at that first conference included a harpsichordist, a violinist, a soprano soloist, and a handbell ringer, as well as selections on the organ by the accompanist Margaret Godfrey. There were 52 singers in the first chorus.
The first Christmas concert was held the same year on Sunday, December 3, 1967, at Winthrop High School. More voices had been added, with a total of 54 singers participating. This concert started the tradition of a free-will offering to help support the chorus.
1969: More members, more concerts
May of 1969 marks the date of the first spring concert with 35 singers in the chorus. The next spring concert was two years later, and then CODA did not offer a music program in the spring until 1991. Since then, there have been both a Christmas and a spring concert each year. In December 1992, a children’s choir, made up of students from the Monmouth and Winthrop school systems, was added to the program and continued for about 10 years. In April of 1994, the first exchange concert with the Islesboro Community Choir was held. These exchange concerts were held every spring for a decade. For several years CODA presented additional Christmas concerts, in 2003 being invited by the University of Maine at Augusta Senior College to perform Augusta’s St. Marks’s Episcopal Church; and again in 2004-2006 at various churches in Augusta.
1983: Giving back to the community
In 1983, CODA started offering an annual music scholarship for local students to promote musical excellence. In 1986 it was dedicated and named the Jeanette Cumber Music Scholarship.
2017-Present: 50 years of tradition
Over the years, concerts have been held at Winthrop High School, the Winthrop United Methodist Church, St. Francis Xavier Church, and currently at Hope Baptist Church in Manchester. Membership in CODA has slowly climbed from a low of 26 in 1973 to over 100 in 2005. Communities represented in 2017-18, CODA’s 50th year, were Auburn, Augusta, Belgrade, Buckfield, Farmingdale, Gardiner, West Gardiner, Greene, Hallowell, Litchfield, Manchester, Monmouth, N. Monmouth, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, Richmond, Wayne, and Winthrop.
Leadership: Past, Present, and Future
CODA has been fortunate to have had over 55 years of excellent music directors and accompanists.
CODA music directors have included Don Auclair, Robert Gunn, Carol Matthews Tainter, Jeanette Cumber, Dale Perkins, Barbara Franklin, Delmar Small, Ed Larson, Joëlle Morris (2012-2020), and currently Dr. Christian Giddings.
CODA accompanists have included Margaret Godfrey, Lanny West, Ann Diamond, Harriet McCroary, Christina Misner, Nancy Lewis, Marcia Hepfner, Ruth Bond, Julia Morris-Myers, Nancy Teachout, Ed Larson, Bob Morang, Bridget Convey, Ann Hertzler, Rebecca Caron (2013-2020), and currently Brendan Wilson.
In addition to our music director and accompanist, CODA has relied on the leadership of individual members who serve in the capacity of president, vice president, and treasurer; a board of directors; and others who help with advertisements, concert coordination, and numerous other tasks. This network of talented people contributing in various ways will allow CODA to continue to bring our music to Winthrop and the surrounding areas for years to come.